Introducing Learn

With our learn feature, you never have to look for relevant parenting information on a dozen different sources. Articles, discussions, feedback and more valuable child-rearing information is available right at your fingetips with Amae.

Parenting Resources at the Tip of your Fingers

Our learn feature gives you access to our discussions and article module. With discussions, you can create your personal forum on a topic related to parenting or childrearing of your choice. Alternatively, we have curated articles that we publish daily on the Amae Blog, discussing a different topic each time.

Connect with other Parents

We understand that as parents, it can be difficult to feel 100% reassured of our childrearing decisions. We naturally seek for advice, help and feedback especially when it comes to raising a child for the first time. Amae opens up this avenue for new parents to connect with other parents in the same boat, as well as more experienced ones. Start a discussion on topics ranging from sleep to breastfeeding.

Stay Informed with our Blog

Our Amae Blog publishes an article everyday from one of our writers; parents from all walks of life with valuable knowledge and wisdom they are excited to dispense to new parents. Our blog content is sure to keep you informed about all childrearing and parenting related content. You can comment, save and share any of our articles!